Echium Simplex Seedling


Echium Simplex – initially grows as a small and compact starry rosette of grey felted foliage. After 2-3 years an impressive tall flower spike emerges, consisting of 1,000’s of tiny white flowers, growing to 2-3 metres tall. Attracts bees and nectar loving birds such as wattle birds and eastern spine bills. A real centre piece in the garden and a point of conversation.

Dies after flowering so save some seeds. In our case lots of seedlings sprouted up from the site of where the flowers bloomed.

Hailing from the baking climes of the Mediterranean and North Africa, echiums can handle dry, sandy soil and particularly hot Melbourne summers. Keep the water up to young plants. Then occasional water once established. All echiums must be handled with gloves, as the coarse hairs can cause skin irritation. But that’s a small price for their flowers.

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5 – 10cm seedling

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